The 11-12-13 we have a campaign in Poland nearby Poznan. After our last campaign in the summer many people get touched by the Holy Spirit and found Jesus as there savior. The impartation of the Holy Spirit was heavy and motivated the local church to start a second church in the area where the people came to Christ.
-We believe many people will come to Jesus
-We believe many healings will take place
-We believe that the Lord will grant us more influence in Poland
-We believe all financial payments for the outreach will be covered
We started to connect with local pastors in 2018 but then Covid came.
Our goal is to organize campaigns in Gambia together with local churches
We travel in December to Gambia to visit Pastors and hospitals and organize a date for campaign
We believe for the right connections
We believe for a piece of land to rent for our campaign
We believe that God wants to use us in a coming revival in Madagaskar. We are in these moment connecting with local workers and bible schools to have an outreach and campaign in the bushes of Madagaskar.
To have these out reaches we believe that the Pilot(missionary in Madagaskar) (a friend of ours) will have his license back after his suffering of illness.
We believe that we can rent a helicopter and have equipment to do these outreaches in the bushes.
We helped to start a new church in Reinhardshagen .They have the vision to start healing rooms.
We are blessed with friend who helped them and train them to have healing rooms.
We believe they expand and bring many people to Christ
We are training people to move in the Holy Spirit and helped them to go out in there onw city and life.
We believe they wil become strong and use there gifts to bring new people in the kingdom of God.